Mom’s Viral TikTok Sparks Controversy About Returning Shopping Carts

A recent TikTok video by Dr. Leslie Dobson, a clinical and forensic psychologist in California, has ignited a firestorm on the internet. In the video, she shares her opinion about returning shopping carts to their designated area, stating that she refuses to do so. While some may judge her for this decision, Dobson explains her reasoning behind it.

Dobson made the video not to be controversial, but rather to raise awareness about the potential dangers associated with returning shopping carts, especially when children are involved. She believes that predators observe our routines and patterns, making it important for parents to trust their instincts and prioritize their children’s safety in such situations.

According to Kids and Car Safety, an alarming 265 children were abducted during car theft incidents in 2023, marking an “all-time high.” This statistic further supports Dobson’s concerns about leaving children unattended while returning shopping carts.

While Dobson’s intention was to spread awareness, many people on social media interpreted her video as an opportunity to discuss “the shopping cart theory.” This theory suggests that a person’s moral character can be determined by whether or not they return their shopping cart. People shared their own experiences and opinions on the matter, emphasizing the importance of returning the cart and setting a good example for their children.

Some commenters shared their support for Dobson’s perspective, mentioning that they always bring their children with them when returning the cart. Others expressed their concerns about child safety, wondering how Dobson managed to ensure her children’s well-being while returning the cart.

While safety is undoubtedly a priority, there are alternative ways to both return the shopping cart and keep your children safe. It’s important to find a balance that suits your own situation and ensures the well-being of your family.

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