Prince Harry will never ‘walk away’ from Meghan Markle due to vow they made early on

Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, have both vowed that “divorce is not an option” according to a source.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle do not want to “repeat the same mistake” their parents made and have made an important vow to one another about their marriage, according to a source.

Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, have both vowed that “divorce is not an option” according to a source.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle do not want to “repeat the same mistake” their parents made and have made an important vow to one another about their marriage, according to a source.

Speaking to new magazine, a source claimed, growing up, Harry and Meghan “hated having separate parents who weren’t on good terms” as they felt they were pulled in different directions.


The source revealed: “They have vowed that divorce is not an option, especially whenThey added: “They would never want to put Archie and Lili through any of that and they want them to have as idyllic and innocent childhood as possible.”

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have been open in the past about being the parents of divorced children. In their Netflix docu-series, ‘Harry and Meghan’, Meghan stated it had impacted their childhood and relationships as adults.

Meghan revealed: “There’s so much from anyone’s childhood that you bring with you into the present, especially when you’re the product of divorce.”

Harry added: “Being pulled from one place to another, or maybe your parents are competitive, or you’re in one place longer than you want to be, or another place less than you want to be. There’s all sorts of pieces to that.”

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