My Son Met a Girl Online, and I Knew I Had to End It When I Saw Who She Was

My son Scott never told me about his girlfriends. I began to wonder if he had any and if he even liked girls. But one day, Scott started talking about a girl he was communicating with. My husband Michael and I were shocked because it was the first time we had heard anything like this from Scott.

Scott looked happier than ever, telling us how much he liked this girl and how they always had something to talk about. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he shared stories about their conversations.

Finally, the day came. Scott happily announced that Kira, his girlfriend, would join us for dinner. Michael and I were very happy that our boy had found his soulmate.

I prepared a nice dinner, nothing fancy, but enough for four people, and we waited for Scott and Kira. I made sure everything was perfect, wanting to make a good impression on Kira.

I heard the doorbell and joyfully went to open the door. When I opened it, I saw a happy Scott and a very pretty girl who seemed a bit shy. Scott began to take off Kira’s coat, and I noticed a birthmark on her neck, partially hidden by her collar. It looked familiar, and I realized where I had seen it before.

My mind raced. No, it can’t be! Not this… My son was finally happy, and now I had to ruin this relationship. I couldn’t let them be together.

I couldn’t understand how this was even possible.

“Mom, this is Kira,” Scott introduced, his face beaming with pride and joy.

I forced a smile, my heart pounding in my chest. “Hello, Kira. It’s so nice to meet you,” I said, extending my hand.

Kira shook my hand gently, her eyes meeting mine. There was something eerily familiar about her, beyond the birthmark. A memory tugged at the corners of my mind, but I couldn’t place it.

We sat down for dinner, and Scott and Kira chatted animatedly about their shared interests and future plans. Michael, sensing my unease, squeezed my hand under the table, silently asking if I was okay. I nodded slightly, trying to focus on the conversation.

As the evening progressed, I found myself drawn to Kira’s stories, her laughter, and the way she looked at Scott. They were undeniably happy together. Yet, the nagging feeling in the back of my mind wouldn’t go away.

After dinner, as we sat in the living room, Scott excused himself to grab something from his room, leaving me and Kira alone.

“Kira, can I ask you something personal?” I began cautiously.

“Of course, Mrs. Taylor,” she replied, her smile warm and genuine.

“Do you know much about your family background? Your parents?” I asked, trying to sound casual.

Kira’s smile faltered slightly. “I was adopted when I was a baby. My adoptive parents have always been open about it. They told me my birth mother was young and couldn’t take care of me. I’ve never known much more than that.”

My heart sank. The pieces of the puzzle started to fit together in a horrifying way. I needed to be sure.

“Do you have any information about your birth parents? Anything at all?” I pressed, my voice trembling.

Kira hesitated, then reached into her purse. “I have this,” she said, handing me a small locket. “It was the only thing my birth mother left with me. I’ve always kept it, hoping one day it might help me find her.”

I took the locket with shaking hands and opened it. Inside was a tiny photo of a young woman. The same woman I saw every day in the mirror, albeit much younger. It was me.

Tears welled up in my eyes as the truth crashed down on me. Kira was my daughter. The daughter I had given up for adoption when I was just seventeen, scared and alone. And now, fate had brought her back into my life in the most unexpected way.

Scott returned to the room, oblivious to the emotional storm raging inside me. “Mom, are you okay?” he asked, noticing my tears.

I looked at him, then at Kira, and my heart broke. How could I tell them the truth without shattering their happiness?

“I… I need to talk to you both,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper. “It’s important.”

Scott and Kira sat down, their expressions turning serious. I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself.

“Kira, the reason your birth mother couldn’t take care of you wasn’t because she didn’t love you. It was because she was young and scared. She thought giving you up was the best way to give you a better life,” I began, my voice shaking.

Kira’s eyes widened in confusion. “What are you saying?”

I handed her the locket. “This was mine. I was the young mother who gave you up. Kira, I’m your birth mother.”

Silence filled the room as Kira stared at the locket, then at me. Scott looked between us, shock and confusion written all over his face.

“No, this can’t be,” Kira whispered, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Scott’s face turned pale as he realized the implications. “Mom, does this mean…?”

I nodded, my heart breaking for them both. “I’m so sorry. I never imagined this would happen. But you can’t be together. You’re siblings.”

Kira sobbed, and Scott held her, his own tears falling. “We didn’t know,” he said, his voice choked with emotion. “We didn’t know.”

The room was filled with a mix of grief and confusion. Our lives had been turned upside down in an instant. And as much as it hurt, I knew that the truth had to come out, no matter how painful it was.

In the days that followed, we tried to come to terms with the revelation. Scott and Kira ended their romantic relationship but remained close, trying to navigate their new reality as siblings. Michael and I supported them as best we could, knowing that our family had been forever changed by the truth.

And though the path ahead was uncertain and filled with challenges, we faced it together, bound by love and the strength of our family.

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