Teachers: Our Unsung Heroes

Teachers are an essential part of our community, yet they are often underappreciated. It takes a special individual to dedicate their life to educating others, serving as role models, providing guidance, and mentoring the younger generation.

We frequently hear stories of teachers going above and beyond to help their students, and one such hero is Jonathan Oliver.


Oliver is a phys-ed teacher at WG Nunn Elementary in Valdosta, Georgia. He recently gained recognition for a kind act towards one of his kindergarteners while coaching a basketball game.

When Kristen Paulk, a student on Oliver’s team, asked for his help in putting her hair back in a ponytail, he was more than delighted to assist her.

Taking a knee on a basketball to get down to Kristen’s level, Oliver focused on tying her braids back from her face. Little did he know, his gentle act of kindness was being recorded by Kandice Anderson, another teacher at the school. Anderson later posted the heartwarming video on YouTube, where it quickly gained attention and support from the public.

The video was titled “When your job goes beyond teaching!” and caught the attention of Good Morning America. They reached out to Oliver, a 34-year-old father of three, and scheduled an interview with him. Oliver expressed his surprise at the video’s popularity, stating, “It was shocking to me that it got that much attention because we all do it.” He added that teachers strive to make their students feel at home and loved, going above and beyond to show their support. For Oliver, helping Kristen with her ponytail was just another way of showing care for his students.

In the interview, Oliver mentioned that Kristen had specifically asked him for help during a basketball game. However, he humorously confessed that his hair-styling expertise was limited to ponytails. For anything else, he would redirect the students to ask their mothers. Kristen’s mother, Miyah Cleckley, expressed her gratitude towards Oliver, saying, “I always know that Kristen is in very good hands with him. I thought it was really cute because her father does their hair a lot.”

This heartwarming story serves as a reminder of the dedication and love teachers have for their students. They go beyond their role as educators, ensuring that each child feels supported and cared for. Teachers like Jonathan Oliver truly are unsung heroes in our community, and we should recognize and appreciate their invaluable contributions.

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