I Caught My Neighbor Chopping Down My Hedge in the Middle of the Night – He Never Expected How Hard Karma Would Strike Back

Ever caught your neighbor destroying your property? I did. Bob, our neighborhood bully, was chopping down our hedge in the middle of the night. With each snip, he dug his own grave, as karma had a surprise in store that would leave him reeling.

Have you ever woken up to find your property invaded by a nosy neighbor? Well, let me tell you, it’s not a fun experience. I’m Meryl, and I’ve got a story for you about our thorn of a neighbor, Bob. He was the neighborhood bully everyone feared. But you know what they say about karma, right?

A man waving his hand outside his house | Source: Freepik

A man waving his hand outside his house | Source: Freepik

Here’s a little backstory before I reveal the main picture — My husband Jose and I had just moved into this charming neighborhood, but the houses were packed so close together.

I couldn’t stand how our nosy neighbor Bob could peer straight into our kitchen. It gave me the creeps.

“Jose, can you believe this view?” I sighed, staring out our kitchen window at the neighbor’s house. “I feel like I’m living in a fishbowl.”

Drone view of a close-knit neighborhood | Source: Midjourney

Drone view of a close-knit neighborhood | Source: Midjourney

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