I Cut Short My Business Trip upon Learning My Wife Was in the ER – Found Another Man by Her Bed When I Arrived

As soon as I arrived, I raced through the hospital doors, my heart pounding.

“WHERE IS MY WIFE?” I asked frantically at the nurse’s station. “I GOT A CALL THAT SHE’S HERE.”


My confusion grew. “I’M HER HUSBAND,” I insisted, my voice rising with panic.

She pointed down the hall, “ROOM 12.”

I hurried to the ward, my mind spinning. When I entered the room, I saw a man sitting next to Isabel’s bed, holding her hand. He looked up as I approached, and for a moment, I felt like the ground had been pulled out from under me.

“Who are you?” I demanded, my voice trembling with a mix of anger and fear.

The man stood up, his eyes wide with surprise. “I’m Alex, Isabel’s colleague. She fainted at work, and I brought her here.”

My eyes darted to Isabel, who looked pale but conscious. She squeezed Alex’s hand weakly before turning her gaze to me. “Nick,” she whispered, her voice hoarse. “Thank you for coming.”

I could feel the tension in the air as I stepped closer, my heart still racing. “Isabel, are you okay? What happened?”

She took a deep breath, wincing slightly. “I had a dizzy spell and passed out. Alex was the only one there, so he brought me to the ER.”

I looked at Alex, who seemed genuinely concerned. Despite my initial jealousy and confusion, I could see he meant no harm. I sighed, the adrenaline slowly leaving my system. “Thank you, Alex. I appreciate you taking care of her.”

Alex nodded, stepping back to give us some space. “Of course. Isabel’s a dear friend. I’ll leave you two alone now.”

After Alex left, I pulled a chair next to Isabel’s bed and took her hand in mine. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here,” I said, my voice filled with guilt. “I should have been the one to bring you.”

She shook her head gently. “It’s okay, Nick. You came as soon as you could. That’s what matters.”

We sat in silence for a moment, the beeping of the hospital machines filling the room. I couldn’t help but feel a pang of insecurity. “Is there something going on with Alex that I should know about?” I asked hesitantly.

Isabel’s eyes softened, and she squeezed my hand. “No, Nick. Alex is just a friend and a coworker. He happened to be there when I needed help. That’s all.”

I nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and shame for having doubted her. “I’m sorry for reacting the way I did. I just… I love you so much, Isabel. The thought of losing you terrifies me.”

She smiled weakly, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “I love you too, Nick. And I’m not going anywhere.”

As we sat there, holding hands, I realized how fragile life can be and how important it is to cherish every moment with the ones we love. The scare of the day brought us closer, reminding us of the strength of our bond and the depth of our commitment to each other.

In the end, it wasn’t about who brought Isabel to the hospital or who was by her side first. It was about the love and trust we shared, and the promise to always be there for each other, no matter what life threw our way.

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